Parker LORD Corporation needed to expand their Cambridge Springs facility to accommodate equipment to manufacture parts of a larger scale than could presently be manufactured at the facility. Additionally, there was a need to rapidly construct the expansion to meet the needs of the Oil and Gas industry. Also, critical project success was a design that addressed material flow, serviceability, and adaptability of the space to accommodate end use needs as they change.
An 18,000 GSF addition was completed to significantly scale up elastomer bonding processes for manufacturing parts for the Oil and Gas industry. The building was configured to take advantage of process opportunities including press size, conveyance of parts weighing roughly 40 tons, working safely on parts of this size, and system integration for controlling product flow and production timing.
The building addresses and is a good example of both subtractive manufacturing processes. Additionally, it demonstrates that, in Industrial and teaching environments, spaces must be designed for material flow, serviceability, and adaptability of the space to the end-use needs as they change. This building addresses these items through conveyance systems like cranes, serviceability features like removable skylights for press maintenance, and workflow, growth and lean process evaluation for adaptability.
(216) 623-3700
(814) 836-1515
(210) 802-4576
(814) 867-3508