Emma Evans, LEED Green Associate

Emma Evans

Emma is an Erie native and grew up working in her dad’s bakery, Art’s Bakery. After graduating from McDowell High School she enrolled in the Architecture program at Penn State University with minors in Architectural History and Anthropology. Here she was vice president of ukulele club, student leader in Cru, member of AIAS, and gave tours for the College of Arts and Architecture. Emma also studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark for a semester and worked at Penn State Global to advise students looking to study abroad. After summer internships at both WMF Erie and State College offices, she graduated with honors from the Schreyer Honors College and joined our team full time.

Outside of work Emma likes to ski, bike, cross-stitch, paint, and play instruments (guitar, piano, flute, ukulele) and sing at her church.


  • My favorite time on site was helping to pour concrete for the basement of the expERIEnce Children’s Museum.
  • I enjoy doing renderings for projects, my favorite ones so far being the renderings for New Motors (VW and BMW)