Working closely with a Historic Tax Credit Consultant, WMF created a cohesive complex for the Music Conservatory through a thoughtful combination of historic preservation with new construction. Renovation of the existing spaces accommodates large group areas and individual practice rooms while a reflectiveglass curtainwall ties the three buildings together and creates anew entry for the Musical Arts Center.
WMF utilized Federal and State level tax credits to identify opportunties that allowed the creation of the needed new expansion while also designating landmark status for two of the three buildings, and designing within the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the treatment of Historic Properties.
“You all brought a smile to my face when I walked the Conservatory this evening.It wasn’t anything in particular, but rather a combination of things that made me feel very good. Walking the halls and just now noticing the mixture and variety of light fixtures and locations is but one small thing, but it shows me the incredible attention to detail you took care to inject into the building. Thanks for your professionalism, aesthetics, and friendship.”
(216) 623-3700
(814) 836-1515
(210) 802-4576
(814) 867-3508